Plumbing - renovation or new construction

Remodeling, Addition or new construction Please explain whether your project is remodeling, addition or new construction.

Faucets Installation Please select how many faucets you are installing or relocating. Please include in your answers all the rooms that are included in the project.

Bathtub & Indoor Hot-Tub Installation Please explain whether you need to install new or relocate a bathtub or hot-tub. Please include in your answers all the rooms that are included in the project.

Shower Installation Please select how many showers you need to install or relocate. Please include in your answers all the bathrooms that are included in the project.

Toilets Installation Please select how many toilets you need to install or relocate. Please include in your answers all the bathrooms that are included in the project.

When do you want to start?

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Review Section

Remodeling, Addition or new construction


Faucets Installation


Bathtub & Indoor Hot-Tub Installation


Shower Installation


Toilets Installation
