Install Electrical Vehicle Charger

Desired charger level Level-1 rund of 120V and allows 3-5miles per hour of charge. Level-2 is 240V and allows 12-80miles per hour of charge

Distance (ft) of charger installation location from the main panel, or from appropriate power outlet Level 1 charger installation requires 12 to 16 A outlets, Level 2 charger installation can leverage in most cases an existing 240V outlet, dryer one for example. Both can be connected directly to the main panel.

Do you have the charger to be installed? Please specify if you purchased the EV charger or you'd need the contractor to provide one

Job Description Please describe the job using free language, include anything that's not clear in the form

Picture of the main panel Please upload a picture of your main panel

When do you want to start?

Enter the location of your job

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Review Section

Desired charger level


Distance (ft) of charger installation location from the main panel, or from appropriate power outlet


Do you have the charger to be installed?


Job Description


Picture of the main panel
